Ram Charit Manas by Tulsidas: The original Ramayana was composed in Sanskrit by Rishi Valmiki. Several other revered saints and poets also penned their versions of the Ramayana in various Indian languages. The most celebrated rendition in northern India is Ram Charit Manas by Tulsidas. It holds great significance to recite it at home.

Benifits of Recitation of Ram Charit Manas by Tulsidas

The recitation of specific chapters is recommended as a remedy for countering malefic influences and gaining various benefits. For instance, reciting Sundara Kanda is advised for improved health and to ward off the adverse effects of Saturn. For those seeking children, the Bala Kanda is recited.

A Short Introduction to Goswami Tulsidas

Tulasidas was born in 1532 into a Brahmin family in the town of Rajapur, near Varanasi. Orphaned at a young age, he faced neglect from his relatives. He took refuge in a Hanuman temple in Varanasi and subsisted on whatever alms were offered to him. It was Naraharidas, his guru, who recognized him and instilled in Tulasi a deep love for Sri Rama. Tulasidas grew into a scholar proficient in Vedas and Upanishads.

Tulasidas married Ratnavali, a remarkably intelligent and pious woman. Tulasi’s affection for his wife knew no bounds, and he couldn’t bear the thought of being separated from her even for a moment. Once, he crossed a flooded river to be with his wife, who was visiting her parents.

Ratnavali expressed her displeasure, saying

“What do you gain by loving this mortal body? If you were to love Lord Sri Rama in the same fervent manner, you would attain liberation.”

Ranavali wife of Tulsidas

These words rekindled his devotion to Sri Rama. He renounced his family life and embarked on a journey across northern India, spreading the teachings of Sri Rama’s life. Masterpiece Ram Charita Manas by Tulsidas was authored by him in Chitrakoot. He wrote it in Avadhi, a Hindi dialect spoken in the Ayodhya region. Tulasidas employed poetic meters such as “doha,” “chowpayee,” “swaratae,” and others in his composition. The entire narrative is presented as narrated by Lord Shiva to Goddess Parvati. His other notable works include Gitavali (1571), Kavitavali (1612), Barvairamayana (1612), and Vinaya Patrika (a plea to Lord Rama). In total, he authored 22 distinct works.

Once, King Jahangir offered him wealth to perform miracles. Tulasi responded, “Who needs wealth when one has the love of Rama? Of what use are miracles before His divine glory?”

In Kashi, he ascended to the position of the head of the monastery at Lolarka Kunda and was bestowed the title “Gosain” or “Goswami.” Tulasidas passed away on the third day of the dark fortnight in the month of Shravana in 1623.

A Complete Index of Shri Ram Charit Manas by Tulsidas

This Ram Charit Manas by Tulsidas is a publication by M/s Gita Press Gorakhpur, a highly esteemed name in the Indian publishing realm. Their religious publications in Sanskrit and various Indian languages are renowned for their authenticity and precision. This edition is presented in Devanagari script, complete with English transliteration and translation. It is available in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.

Tusli’s Ram Charit Manas Index


Ayodhya Kand

Aranya Kand

Kishkinda Kand

Sunder Kand

Lanka Kand

Uttara Kand

Some scholars believe that Uttara Kand did not take place because its language style and events are not equivalent to the traditional writings of Tusli’s Ram Charit Manas.

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